
Group: DynoMotion Message: 1775 From: Troy Date: 9/8/2011
Subject: number of closed loop stepper axis.

Is it possible to have 6 axis of closed loop steppers, with just the kflop board?

I am looking at the connector diagram for the kflop JP5 connector and the chart shows each pin being used as a step and direction pin or an encoder pin for each channel. 

Could I simply select a different input channel then my output channel when setting up my axis?  Eg: use input channel 7 with output channel 4?

Group: DynoMotion Message: 1776 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 9/8/2011
Subject: Re: number of closed loop stepper axis.
Hi Troy,
Yes.  Just set the Encoder InputChan0 and Step/Dir Gen OutputChan for the Axis Channel appropriately.
There are also other options to mux (move) the encoder inputs from JP5 to JP6 - set bit8 of FPGAW(ENC_NOISE_FILTER_ADD).
Or to Mux the Step/Dir outputs from JP5 to JP4 and JP6.  See:
In those cases it is possible to have 8 closed loop steppers.

--- On Thu, 9/8/11, Troy <groups@...> wrote:

From: Troy <groups@...>
Subject: [DynoMotion] number of closed loop stepper axis.
To: dynomotion@yahoogroups.com
Date: Thursday, September 8, 2011, 3:27 PM


Is it possible to have 6 axis of closed loop steppers, with just the kflop board?

I am looking at the connector diagram for the kflop JP5 connector and the chart shows each pin being used as a step and direction pin or an encoder pin for each channel. 

Could I simply select a different input channel then my output channel when setting up my axis?  Eg: use input channel 7 with output channel 4?
